Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A Visit from Tom Petty

Tom Petty is a musical legend, known in the earlier years of his career as a founding member of the Travelling Wilburys, and the more recent years for the truly amazing pub-anthem 'Free Falling' which was made famous for having Tom Cruise butcher it in his usual scenery-chewing way.

One of his other well known songs is 'Walls', an amazing (very manly) breakup song. The opening two lines of this song are 'Some days are diamonds. Some days are rocks.' Well, my afternoon so was so rocking bad this afternoon, I could've rocking sworn Tom was here in Labrador singing his rocking heart out.

I'd already had one of those days at work where the more you look, the more problems you find so you just stop looking, stuff your hands in your pockets, whistle quietly and walk away. But I'm lucky enough to finish at 3 pm and it was a lovely afternoon so I rushed to the daycare centre, picked up the little master, then home for the dog and a change of clothes, and then down to the beach for a swim.

Little master decided he wanted to ride the rocking swings, but we had the rocking dog with us and so began a five minute stand off with the little master standing by the swing chanting 'My swing' over and over until I finally caved and went over and picked him up and carried him to the sand and tried to get him interested in playing with the rocking dog. Naturally, this caused him to throw a rocking tantrum screaming in my ear all the way.

Over the next fifteen minutes he calmed down, but then as soon as he settled into playing with something and I turned to throw the ball for the dog, he would get up and run back toward the swings, thinking he'd fooled me. After the third time I pack every body up, put them back in the rocking car and drove them all home again.

And then the rocking dog threw up in the back of the rocking car.

So we get home and I get the dog and the little master our of the car and get the hose to wash out the back of the car. However, while I was getting the hose, little master decided he was going to climb into the back of the car, of course climbing through all the rocking vomit on the way. Being an inventive fellow I got him out of the car and hit his hands and feet with the hose. He thought this was hilarious so with no small amount of grim pleasure I then chased him around the front yard with the hose for a while. And then it was dinner time.

Dinner was a can of spaghetti that got thrown all over the rocking kitchen. All over. Next was shower time. Where little master managed to rub soap in his eyes while I was trying to wash the spaghetti sauce off his forehead, cheeks, neck, stomach, arms, legs and hands. And so began the fourth round of screaming for the afternoon. The interesting part was that I got experience the best acoustics in the house: our 1m by 1m glass and tile shower recess amplified and reverberated the little master's screaming so well it penetrated my head to such a degree that it felt like I was screaming. Maybe I was.

However, the next ten minutes were lovely. We got out of the shower, dried off, put on a nappy, then one on little master too, and then decided to sit for a few minutes and catch some 'Million Dollar Minute' on Channel 7. The little master climbed up into my lap and we proceeded to high five every time the guy on the tele got a correct answer. Then he grunted and took a rocking great deuce, right in my lap.

So back into the little master's room for another nappy change and that's when his Mum came home. She asked if she could have some time with him, and I got the rock out of there.

And back to the kitchen. You'd forgotten about the spaghetti everywhere hadn't you! I thanked the dog for helping with the clean up and as little master's Mum was now home, I had to then break out the mop and bucket and not just rely on my Boxer's giant tongue. Little master's Mum thankfully took over the rest of the night time routine and I sat down to relax. Before realising that all of the dishes were dirty and I'd have to wash up before I could cook.

So I sat down at the computer with a bowl of canned soup and started writing. You're welcome.

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